Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching Up and Spring Training Baseball

So I have come to the realization that we either don't do things anymore or I have just stopped taking pictures. I check the blogs I follow everyday, but I never update mine. Of course, it isn't like I have any followers, but it is all good.

Austin turned 18 months at the beginning of March. I can't believe he is halfway through his second year of life. He is growing up so quickly and learning new words everyday. His favorites right now are uh oh and no. He gets plenty of pratice with no!

Yesterday we went to a Spring Training Dbacks game. It was really warm out, but the shade hit us about the third or fourth inning and then it was pretty nice. It must have been nice for Austin too because he fell asleep on my mom during the second inning and slept for another an hour. Yeah, at home he wakes up if I sneeze, but he can sleep at a baseball game? Totally makes sense..right?
Trying to walk in Daddy's slippers

Sharing the couch

Behind home plate


Got a lot of good walking in yesterday


  1. I follow your blog! We don't see Austin very often, so it's nice to know what he's been up to and see how big he's getting :)

  2. Hey I follow you! :) love the pics. Go Dbacks! He's getting so big!

  3. Hey, I always check your blog...I just don't comment. Katelyn and I just read the part about her being like your little sister and she said "awe", how nice <3
